
December 04, 2014

Before moving to Vancouver Island, I always lived in a big city. This is why I sometimes miss crowded subway stations, a noisy pub, and stores open for 24 hours. Not having any of them here, however, I can enjoy mushrooming in a forest. A few weeks ago, we found huge mushrooms while ...

Before moving to Vancouver Island, I always lived in a big city. This is why I sometimes miss crowded subway stations, a noisy pub, and stores open for 24 hours. Not having any of them here, however, I can enjoy ...


Making something about loved ones

September 27, 2014

In this posting, I picked up past works about my family. I wove a tapestry  about my dog, Hana. I wove Hana and me, but my daughter says it is Hana and her.  ↑ Hana  was born in Chicago, lived in Tokyo for a while, and moved to Vancouver Island. ...

In this posting, I picked up past works about my family. I wove a tapestry  about my dog, Hana. I wove Hana and me, but my daughter says it is Hana and her.  ↑ Hana  was born in Chicago, lived in Tokyo ...


sesame sauce

Goma-ae – steamed vegetable marinated with sesame sauce

August 14, 2014

I made steamed carrot marinated with sesame sauce. It is sweet and yam. The one on the blue dish is the sesame sauce. My neighbor, Casey eats rice with goma-ae.   If you like going to Japanese restaurants, you perhaps know that goma-ae is a popular side dish.  Goma-ae is steamed ...

I made steamed carrot marinated with sesame sauce. It is sweet and yam. The one on the blue dish is the sesame sauce. My neighbor, Casey eats rice with goma-ae.   If you like going to Japanese restaurants, ...


Kimono, an important component of Japanese heritage

April 10, 2014

[caption id="attachment_2136" align="aligncenter" width="600"] My mother and I attended my cousin's wedding[/caption] A kimono, Japanese traditional dress, is made from one long and narrow rectangular fabric.   The rectangular fabric is around 11 yard long and 16 inch wide.   The ...

[caption id="attachment_2136" align="aligncenter" width="600"] My mother and I attended my cousin's wedding[/caption] A kimono, Japanese traditional dress, is made from one long and narrow rectangular fabric.   ...